Growing up in a small town, I struggled with body image and feeling comfortable in my own skin. Despite achieving professional success, I couldn't find lasting solutions for my weight and relationship with food. I tried every fad diet imaginable, but the cycle of yo-yo dieting left me feeling defeated.

In 2020, I decided to prioritize living a fulfilling life. I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, which led me to the science of nutrition. I learned to fuel my body, embrace small changes, and cultivate self-compassion. This transformed my life, and I knew I wanted to share this knowledge with others.

I became a certified nutrition coach and found my passion in helping people achieve lasting health and body composition goals. My personalized approach goes beyond weight loss; it empowers individuals to develop a healthy lifestyle, improve their metabolism, and heal their relationship with food. Witnessing their transformations - not just physically, but in their overall well-being - is incredibly rewarding.

I'm committed to continuous learning and growth, drawing from formal training, personal experiences, and client interactions. Through coaching over 60 individuals, I've seen firsthand the power of unlocking potential and achieving lasting results.

There's no greater satisfaction than helping others experience the joy of living a healthy, fulfilling life. I believe in you, and I'm here to support you on your journey.