Tasha’s Story: Busy Mom of Two Crushes Weight Loss (and keeps it off!)

Tasha, a fantastic client and busy mom of two running a non-profit, joined our coaching program in December 2021 with a goal of losing 35lbs.

She craved weight loss support and a realistic, sustainable approach that fit her hectic schedule. The holiday season had left her feeling relaxed but also ready to prioritize her health again.

Our focus was on creating a family-friendly meal plan that was both nutritious and delicious. We prioritized protein to keep Tasha feeling full and energized throughout the day. We also swapped out sugary breakfasts for satisfying and balanced options that fueled her mornings.

Strength training became a key component of Tasha's routine. It helped her build muscle, which not only boosts metabolism but also creates a stronger and more sculpted physique.

Here's what Tasha achieved in just six months:

  • Fat Loss: 28.2lbs (average 1.2lbs/week)

  • Inch Loss: 31.5 inches (average 1.3 inches/week)

  • Body Composition Improvement: Reduced body fat by 3.2%, with specific reductions in subcutaneous fat (2.6%) and visceral fat (2%).

Tasha credits our program with giving her the tools and knowledge she needs to maintain her weight loss success. 

"Annie is amazing! She gave me the education and tools to not only reach my goal, but to keep the weight off for good. Her program is incredible, and I feel fantastic!"

We were thrilled to support Tasha on her journey and celebrate her incredible results. Her story is an inspiration to busy moms everywhere who want to prioritize their health without sacrificing time or enjoyment.

Over two years later, we checked back in with Tasha, and we are delighted to hear of all the healthy habits she’s still incorporating into her life, and choosing to prioritize self-care:

  • Weekly meal planning

    • Our overnight oats with her favorite All Day Coach Vanilla Bean protein powder are a staple, macro balanced, easy breakfast that covers five mornings a week

    • Batch cooking chicken for the week

  • Protein shake in her morning coffee

  • Strength training

  • Steps 

Tasha's story is a powerful example of how our coaching goes beyond body transformation. We create personalized programs that empower you to make lasting lifestyle changes, achieve your weight loss goals, and experience a healthier, happier you.


Why Today is the Perfect Day to Start Getting Healthy


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