Have you tried eating more calories to lose weight?

Sounds crazy, doesn’t it?

That’s what our clients think when we first start working with them, and then the RESULTS come.

You’re probably asking yourself “But wait - I thought I was supposed to eat LESS to lose weight.”

Similar to a lot of relationships on social media, it’s complicated.

When you severely restrict your calories, your metabolism adapts, and weight loss can get tricky when this happens.

This is called metabolic adaptation.

When you restrict calories, your body adapts to maintain energy balance. This can involve burning fewer calories (slowing metabolism) and even losing muscle mass. This process, known as metabolic adaptation, isn't a sign of a "healthy" metabolism, but rather a natural survival mechanism.
However, there's a way to outsmart this adaptation:  start adding foods to your diet.  Think:

To REALLY speed up the process, and IMPROVE your metabolism, incorporate strength training into your weekly routine.

Never fear - you don’t have to restrict your favorite foods, especially if those favorite foods are a bit more processed. Doing this minimizes that “scarcity” mentality (how often have you told yourself you CAN’T have cookies, only to devour half a dozen, so quickly that you don’t even enjoy them? #weveallbeenthere).

Enjoy them - if you’re focusing on 80% whole and minimally processed foods, you can eat the candy. We promise.

Trust us.



MINDSET SHIFT: Instead of I HAVE to work out, tell yourself you GET to work out


If you’re always on a diet, you need to read this