Katie’s Story: Small Steps, Big Results: A Busy Mom's Guide to Conquering Weight Loss

I’ve seen my fair share of transformations over the years, but Katie's story is truly special. When she first connected with All Day Coach back in August, she was 185 pounds and struggling with her diet, exercise, and willpower. She knew she needed accountability, and her main goal was to get to a place where she was more comfortable in her own skin.
Katie is a busy mom with young children and an important job. She is a picky eater who loves snacking and sweet foods. And to top it all off, she didn't work out much and had food sensitivities to fruits and vegetables.
Despite the challenges, Katie was determined to make a change. And let me tell you, she did just that!

  • Over the course of nearly 20 weeks, Katie achieved the following:
  • Lost 17 pounds and over 27 inches
  • Learned the science behind healthy eating and made lasting changes to her diet
  • Developed sustainable habits around exercise and hydration
  • Gained confidence and self-esteem

But what I'm most proud of is the non-scale victory of Katie learning to love herself and her body. She used to be so hard on herself, but now she's embraced the journey and is celebrating every small win.

Here are some of the things Katie had to say about her experience:

"I have loved learning the science behind things. It helps me understand the importance of why you do things which makes me more likely to do them.  Setting up meal ideas as well as goals has been helpful and will continue to help me in my progress."

"May daily water and step goals are now a habit, so days when I don’t meet my goal, it feels off.  I love knowing all of the things I should be keeping an eye on to continue maintaining my healthy lifestyle . It's not just the calories and macros, but also fiber and sugar."

When asked about what she found most valuable about working with All Day Coach, she said:

"All of it. You have taught me so much. The encouragement you provide has been so helpful. Even when you are being a little harder on me, you do it in a way that doesn't feel like it, and your coaching is effective.  I love that you customized things to me and my pickiness. I am so grateful for that.  Every other way I’ve tried to lose weight was never customized. 

You taught me that even though I am the way I am, there are ways to succeed and alternative foods to eat. You also helped to make me give myself grace and not be so hard on myself. I have really enjoyed my time working with you and everything you have taught me. Thank you!"

It was an honor to work with Katie. She is an inspiration to me and to everyone who knows her. Her story is proof that anything is possible if you set your mind to it and are willing to put in the work.

Abracadabra! Long term weight loss explained


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