Mindset + Loving the Process >The Number on the Scale

What are you telling yourself as it relates to your current diet?

Are you cursing yourself when you see the number on the scale?

Feeling guilty for the pizza you ate last night so you’re skipping breakfast today?

Telling yourself you’re a failure and you’ll NEVER lose weight?

This needs to STOP.

You wouldn’t talk to your best friend or your child that way, so why are you speaking to yourself this way?

Start changing the way you speak to yourself - it’s time to fix your mindset.

Mindset is crucial for fat loss because it sets the foundation for long-term success.

Your mindset determines your attitude, motivation, and discipline, which are all essential for achieving your goals. When it comes to fat loss, focusing on what you can control and accepting what you can't is key. Direct your energy towards the behaviors and habits that lead to fat loss, not your goal weight.

Fat loss is not just about the physical aspect but also about developing a healthy relationship with your body and adopting a new lifestyle. Slow and gradual progress allows for a transitionary period, giving you time to adjust your mindset, behaviors, and overall approach to health and fitness. By prioritizing mindset and focusing on sustainable habits, you increase your chances of achieving long-lasting fat loss success.

Start falling in love with the process (stop rolling your eyes - our clients that do this see the BEST long-term results!)

Falling in love with the process is crucial for long-term success in any endeavor, including becoming a healthier you. It's about shifting your focus from solely fixating on the end goal to embracing and enjoying the day-to-day journey.

Here are some tips to help you fall in love with the process:

  1. Shift your mindset: Instead of viewing exercise and healthy eating as chores, reframe them as opportunities for self-improvement and self-care. Embrace the challenge and the growth that comes with it.

  2. Find intrinsic motivation: Discover what aspects of the process you genuinely enjoy. It could be the feeling of accomplishment after a tough workout, the energy boost from eating nutritious food, or the mental clarity that comes with regular exercise.

  3. Celebrate small wins: Acknowledge and appreciate the progress you make along the way. Each workout completed, healthy meal eaten, or personal record achieved is a milestone worth celebrating.

  4. Attach meaning to the process: Connect your weight loss journey to other areas of your life. Notice how exercise and healthy habits positively impact your relationships, mood, productivity, and overall well-being.

  5. Embrace the journey's ups and downs: Understand that setbacks and challenges are part of the process. Embrace them as opportunities for growth and learning, rather than reasons to give up. Just because you’re not perfect doesn’t mean you can’t get result.

Remember, falling in love with the process is a mindset shift that takes time and practice. It's about finding joy and fulfillment in the daily actions that lead to your goals, rather than solely focusing on the end result.


We agree - it IS easier to sit on the couch, and eat shi**y food


Abracadabra! Long term weight loss explained