Stop blaming your metabolism - that’s a lame excuse.

“I have a slow metabolism, so it’s hard for me to lose weight.”

“She can eat whatever she wants - she must have a fast metabolism.”

We hear this word CONSTANTLY, but do you REALLY know what your metabolism is?

Metabolism is the process by which your body turns food into energy that keeps you alive, builds and repairs tissues, and gets rid of waste products. It's basically the reason why you're not a pile of bones and goo.
It’s a complex process that is influenced by many factors, including your age, sex, body composition, genetics, and activity level. But don't worry, you don't have to understand all the details to have a healthy metabolism.  Here are some examples of your metabolism at work:
  • When you eat a piece of bread, your body breaks down the carbohydrates in the bread into glucose. This glucose is then used for energy, or stored as glycogen in your liver and muscles. Or, if you're feeling really lazy, it can be turned into fat.
  • When you sleep, your body repairs and rebuilds tissues. 
  • When you get rid of waste products, such as carbon dioxide and water, your body is using metabolic reactions to do so. 
  • When you exercise, your body breaks down fats for energy. Or, if you're not feeling very motivated, it can just break down your muscles instead, which lowers your BMR (basal metabolic rate) down, meaning you are burning less calories while watching Vanderpump Rules.

Your basal metabolic rate is important, especially when it comes to losing weight and KEEPING it off. Your BMR is the amount of energy we burn at REST, which is 60% or MORE of all the calories we burn in a day.

You heard that right. We burn more than HALF our daily calories doing NOTHING. How do we keep and increase our BMR?

Maintaining and BUILDING lean muscle mass through strength training and prioritizing PROTEIN.

Here’s an idea - stop making excuses and start doing something to CHANGE your body. YOU are in control of the life you want. And if you need help?

We got you. We also have stellar protein powder, if that’s first on your list to change your body.


Why 1,200 calories (or less) is a horrible idea.


What does your plate look like?