What exactly is 1:1 Nutrition Coaching?

We talk about our program often, and we thought we would provide additional clarity as to what this means.

At All Day Coach, we firmly believe in teaching people how to properly fuel their body. Not only to achieve their ideal body composition, but to increase their energy, overall health and mindset which not only supports fat loss, but provides you with the benefit of never having to diet again!

How do we do this?

First, we have an initial video chat to determine that we are both a right fit for each other. You have to be serious. Understand that losing weight takes longer than a month, two months - heck, depending on your dieting history, it takes most people at least six to 12 months to achieve their body type.

And this makes sense. You didn’t get the body you have today in the last six months. Why would you expect to get the body you want in a short amount of time?

After we decide you’re a good fit, we track your NORMAL eating habits for a few weeks. It’s important we have a good understanding of your current habits so we can work WITH YOU to customize a plan that fits your needs. Your likes. Your dislikes. Your crazy schedule.

We don’t hand you a premade meal plan.

We don’t give you a laundry list of rules. A list of foods you can’t eat.



Because THAT DOESN’T work. Period.

Once we have a solid idea of what you generally eat, and where your metabolism is at, we work with you to prime your metabolism.

Often, our clients come to us, with a history of severely reducing their calories over time, to the point where they are eating 1,200 calories or less - this is VERY common, but does not work long term.

It’s important to us that we work with adding nutritious food (that you LIKE) to your diet, to get your metabolism out of adaptation. It would be unethical to us to promise you instant fat loss, (to do this, we would have to reduce your daily calories even MORE, which is NOT sustainable), and priming your metabolism to PEAK EFFICIENCY is crucial for sustainable fat loss.

Once we prime your metabolism (most clients already start to see inches lost, increased energy and increased confidence), we dial in on macronutrients, and creating custom, macronutrient balanced meals that you enjoy. With this, we structure a manageable calorie deficit to maximize fat loss. We work with you to create meals with foods that are satiating, and recommend nutritious substitutions to manage your calorie deficit. It’s common to be a bit hungry during this face, but together, your customized meal plan will keep you satisfied.

Lastly, we work in the Lifestyle Optimization phase. Unless you’re in the health and wellness space, or a fitness fanatic, it’s unlikely you want to track and weigh your food every day. We teach you how to listen to your body (through biofeedback) to accommodate how you’re feeling, your satisfaction with your body composition and current lifestyle to know how to implement any tweaks necessary to maintain.

What you have to do is SIMPLE - it’s the discipline, consistency and execution which is challenging for us ALL.

That’s why we meet with you weekly through video chat, and you have unlimited access to us through our HIPPA compliant app which provides tools, resources, a chat feature, habit building and behavioral tools, and recipes to best position you for success. Our private Facebook group is a community of past and current clients to provide a safe platform to share ideas, struggles and tips.

We work with people all over the United States - using our customized app, Facebook and Marco Polo - we accommodate what works best for YOU!

If you’re sick of yo-yo dieting, sifting through the confusing “rules” of what to eat and what not to eat, our program is FOR YOU.

If you’re looking for a quick, easy, all-or-nothing rulebook to lose ten pounds in the next two weeks - keep on looking. That is NOT what we do.


Here’s what you do.

  1. Check out our process.

  2. If it sounds like something you’re interested in, click the button that says ‘Take the next step’.

  3. You’ll share some basic information with us (including your goal weight - trust us, you’ll quickly not care as much about the number on the scale, because you’re going to learn JUST how much your body can change WITHOUT much movement on the scale), and you’ll receive an email from us to set up a 20 minute video chat.

  4. We’ll chat for 20 minutes (we’re not pushy, we promise), and if you want to move forward, we’ll get you started!

  5. If you’re not sure, that’s cool too. It’s not for everyone. You can think about it - we’ll likely follow up with you once, but we’re not going to pester you. Coaching people who aren’t sure if they want to be coached is NOT fun, and we would never want to pressure you to do something you’re not ready for.

It’s that simple! If you’re still unsure, check out some of the amazing transformations and kind words our clients have said about us - it’s pretty cool;)


8 reasons you’re not losing weight


What are macronutrients, and is this another fad diet?