3 things you can do today to improve your “slow” metabolism

Less activity.

Hormonal changes.

Loss of muscle tissue (muscle atrophy).

As you age, your metabolism can slow down, primarily due to the reasons listed above. This is common, and doesn’t mean your metabolism is “broken”, it simply means it has adapted to your lifestyle choices over time.

The good news? You can start improving your metabolism TODAY, by doing these three things:

  1. Lifting weights (resistance training) - if you’re not doing anything to maintain your lean muscle mass, it’s decreasing, which is slowing your metabolism down. If joining a gym is too intimidating, start small, using your body weight (squats, wall push-ups, planks, etc.) or try a beginners yoga class. Something is always better than nothing!

  2. Stop the yo-yo dieting - chronic dieters tend to exhibit signs of a slower metabolism. When you are consistently restricting your calories, your metabolism is going to adapt, by conserving the energy (calories) you are eating vs. using it as energy. We work with our clients to ditch the “all-or-nothing” mentality and they see AH-mazing results!

  3. Start eating balanced meals - it’s okay to be hungry. It’s okay to eat three balanced meals. It’s okay to eat the carbs :) (See a theme here?!). Start putting together balanced meals, using whole/single ingredient foods. Not sure where to start? The ‘Perfect Plate’ method is an easy way to do this!

If you’re wanting to really take it to the next level, schedule your free consult today, and we’ll get you going with custom macronutrients to meet your fat loss goals!


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