4 Tips + a Recipe for the Super Bowl Weekend

We’re Americans. We always find a reason to celebrate, and this weekend is no different (even if you’re just tuning in to see Taylor Swift;)).

Take 30 seconds and incorporate a couple of these tips into your weekend to stay on track - it’s the little daily decisions that add up to big results!

  1. BYOP (Bring your own protein): Bring a healthy, high protein appetizer you can happily load your plate with. It'll keep you satisfied and prevent mindless grazing. (Check out my high-protein recipe below!)

  2. One and DONE: Choose what you want, but put it all on a plate. This mindful approach helps you track your intake and avoid mindless snacking. No guilt, shame, or FOMO.

  3. What’s your number?: Before the party, decide on your drink limit. Having a plan before you get swept up in the fun eliminates pressure and helps you stick to your goals. Stick to that drink limit, alternating with 8-20oz of water in between each drink.

  4. Lighten up: Some nights call for enjoying friends and delicious food without stressing about fat loss. One evening won't derail your progress, so relish the good times, and be kind to yourself if your evening doesn’t go as planned.

Remember: These tips are meant to guide you towards a balanced and enjoyable experience, not restrict you. Relax, have fun, and make mindful choices that feel good for you!


Are you wasting your money on protein powder?


Jamie’s Story: An Entrepreneur’s Lifestyle Shift to Transform her Body