Are you wasting your money on protein powder?

Tired of overpriced protein powders loaded with sugar and fluff? Us too! We want you to fuel your body with quality protein, no matter what brand you choose. Similar to peanut butter, don’t skimp on the brand of your protein powder - in this case, you get what you pay for.

Check your protein powder, and make sure it’s quality, not just a jug full of crushed up cookies (yes, some are that unhealthy).

Here's how to identify a winner:

1. Protein Powerhouse, Not Filler Paradise:

Flip the label and do some math. Divide grams of protein by total serving size. Aim for high protein percentages, like 78% vs. 46%. More protein, less filler! Not to brag, but ours contains 75 to 77%:)

2. Calories Count, Especially for Fat Loss:

Track your calorie intake. Opt for lower-calorie powders with more servings per container. 28 servings with 130 calories per scoop beats 12 servings with 280 calories!

3. Ditch the Donut Disguise:

Added sugar lurks in many powders. Aim for less than 5g per serving, ideally none. Remember, you can enjoy treats without sabotaging your protein shake.

4. Beware of "Nutrition Shake" Stores:

Their shakes often pack 10g of added sugar (think 2 Oreos!) with a measly 9g of protein (36% per serving). Not a winning combo!

Bonus Pro Tips:

Look for natural ingredients, 3rd party testing, GMP manufacturing, and FDA registration for added peace of mind.

Remember: Not all protein powders are created equal. Empower yourself with knowledge to choose the best fuel for your body, regardless of brand. Happy (and healthy) gains!

Let us know if you want to sample ours!


“I’ll start Monday.” Maybe we should stop being so dramatic, and stop dieting.


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