“I’ll start Monday.” Maybe we should stop being so dramatic, and stop dieting.

Forget the extremes!

Losing weight doesn't require strict rules and harsh self-judgment. This is why all the diets you’ve tried haven’t worked long term.

So - lets STOP dieting.

Stop eliminating foods.

Stop the “good” and “bad” foods.

Start adding food to your diet.

Start enjoying your favorite foods in moderation.

Start giving yourself grace and quit punishing yourself.

Start today.

Ditch the "all-or-nothing" mentality and start losing weight (and keeping it off) with these tips:

Think of all the times you’ve told yourself “I’ll start Monday”, and imagine if you would have started that day. The progress you would have to this point would be insane. Stop the theatrics - we’ll take your crown:)

Shift your focus:

From restriction to abundance: Instead of feeling deprived, add nutritious foods like lean protein, whole grains, fruits, and veggies. Your body and taste buds will thank you!

From perfection to progress: Celebrate every step, big or small. Remember, progress, not perfection, is the key to lasting change.

Be kind to yourself:

Mistakes happen: We all indulge sometimes. Don't let a slip-up derail your journey. Just get back on track and keep moving forward.

Support matters: Find people who cheer you on, not shame you. Surround yourself with positivity for lasting motivation.

Set realistic goals:

Small changes, big impact: Start with manageable goals to avoid discouragement. Gradual adjustments are more likely to become sustainable habits.

Focus on health, not numbers: Aim for overall well-being, not just a specific weight. Embrace feeling energized and strong over obsessing about the scale.


You're not alone: Many people struggle with weight loss. Reaching out for support can make a world of difference. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with working with someone for accountability - it’s the most invaluable investment you can make in yourself.

Never give up:

It takes time and effort, but it's worth it! Keep going, celebrate your wins, and you'll reach your goals.

By ditching the diet drama and focusing on progress, you can lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way that's kind to yourself and sets you up for long-term success.

You've got this!


AJ’s Story: The Anti-Diet Adventure: Embracing a Sustainable Weight Loss Journey


Are you wasting your money on protein powder?