AJ’s Story: The Anti-Diet Adventure: Embracing a Sustainable Weight Loss Journey

As a nutrition coach, I thrive on igniting sparks of positive change in clients like AJ. 

When she arrived in February 2023, I saw a determined entrepreneur and mom of three, already on a quest for health. Her story began back in a month earlier with a spark of motivation: her first All Day Coach Challenge. While it sparked her interest in nutrition and understanding, she yearned for more, and wanted to discuss custom 1:1 nutrition coaching. 

The discovery call revealed AJ's frustration. Tracking felt like a chore, meal planning an uphill battle, and the relentless cycle of "food, food, food" wore her down. She yearned for a simpler relationship with food, for knowledge beyond fad diets and unsustainable restrictions.

Understanding AJ's journey was key. The pandemic weight gain, the COVID-induced appetite loss, and the years of yo-yo dieting painted a picture of a metabolism in need of support. We knew drastic changes wouldn't stick. Instead, we embarked on a gentle path, focusing on sustainable habits first.

We started by priming her metabolism.  Sustainable fat loss can’t occur until we work to get it out of adaptation,  Together, we built balanced, delicious meals she enjoyed, ensuring she got enough protein to retain the lean muscle mass she already built. Instead of yo-yo eating throughout the day (skipping lunch because she was busy running her successful business), she intentionally took the time to enjoy a balanced lunch amidst her bustling salon.

She was very active (yay) for her busy life, and her primary focus was heavy, intense, frequent cardio on her Peloton bike and Peloton HIIT classes.  While this is common for those of us who grew up during the 1990s and 2000s, cardio is NOT the best mode of exercise for fat loss.

We acknowledged her love for her Peloton, but slowly incorporated strength exercises to build a more robust foundation for fat loss. This shift was crucial for long-term health and major body composition changes.  We entered the fat loss maximization phase once her metabolism increased efficiency.

AJ's schedule demanded customized solutions. We designed a program that maximized her metabolic efficiency, overcoming its "adaptation" from years of fad diets (Noom, Weight Watchers, etc.). 

Once her body learned to burn calories effectively, we entered the fat-loss phase. Delicious, satisfying meals kept her full and happy, even in a calorie deficit. Holidays, social events, vacations – we adjusted her goals for these periods, ensuring progress without sacrificing life's joyful moments.  She stopped making impulsive decisions about food because she had learned what nutrition choices worked for her and which decisions were better for long term results.  

Fast forward one year, and the transformation is remarkable. AJ has shed nearly 20 inches, but the gains go far beyond the scale. She's stronger, more confident, and brimming with newfound energy. Sleep has improved, food excites her, and her mindset has shifted. She's reaping the benefits of eating well, getting strong, and feeling fantastic in her clothes.

Witnessing AJ's journey is a powerful reminder that true change is rarely about quick fixes or extreme measures. It's about understanding, educating, and empowering individuals to build sustainable habits that last. 

It's about celebrating not just the numbers on the scale, but the transformation that unfolds within: a newfound love for food, a stronger body, and a spirit overflowing with newfound confidence. This is why I do what I do, and AJ's story is a testament to the transformative power of personalized nutrition coaching, starting with her initial spark from the All Day Coach Challenge.


Is your toilet happy? How about your gut?


“I’ll start Monday.” Maybe we should stop being so dramatic, and stop dieting.