Is your toilet happy? How about your gut?



Blood sugar all over the place?

Less than ideal cholesterol?

Does your gut suck?

Has your weight loss plateaued?

Start eating more FIBER.

No, you don’t have to drink that nasty powder your Grandma drinks every morning - you can get fiber through SO MANY delicious foods:

Fiber is SO important to your health, and provides OODLES of benefits:

  • Improves digestion: High fiber consumption is linked to regular bowel movements and preventing constipation. A high-fiber diet helps keep food moving through the digestive tract, which may reduce the likelihood of digestion-related problems.

  • Regulates appetite: Fiber is satiety-producing, meaning that it helps you feel full, which can prevent overeating. It has been repeatedly shown in studies to reduce appetite and cravings, making it hard to overeat when consuming adequate amounts of fiber alongside protein.

  • Prevents diseases: Fiber intake is correlated with a lower risk of developing various health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and potentially some types of cancer.

  • Supports heart health: It helps in reducing bad cholesterol and thus supports heart health.

  • Feeds the gut microbiome: Certain types of fiber act as prebiotics, feeding the beneficial bacteria in the gut and promoting a healthy microbiome.

  • Weight management: Adequate fiber intake can aid in weight loss or maintenance due to its effects on satiety and appetite regulation.

Women, aim for 25 to 30g per day, men, shoot for 35 to 55g per day.

Your health (and toilet) will thank you;)


Want to gain a pound of fat in ONE DAY? This is what you would have to eat


AJ’s Story: The Anti-Diet Adventure: Embracing a Sustainable Weight Loss Journey