#5 and #6 will surprise you

The average American consumes over 42 grams of added sugar per day. Not only does this tank your fat loss goals, it makes you crave MORE added sugar, and this is what happens to your body after eating it.

Below is a list of the top ten items Americans consume on the daily that contain added sugar.

  1. Sugary Drinks: Soda, sports drinks, energy drinks, sweetened teas, and fruit juices are often packed with added sugars.

  2. Candy: This includes chocolate, gummies, hard candies, and other sweet treats.

  3. Baked Goods: Cakes, cookies, pastries, and donuts are typically high in sugar, especially when frosted or glazed.

  4. Cereals: Many commercial cereals, especially those marketed to children, contain significant amounts of added sugar.

  5. Breakfast Pastries: Muffins, bagels, and croissants can be loaded with sugar, especially when topped with sugary glazes or fillings.

  6. Yogurt: Some flavored yogurts, especially those with fruit on the bottom, may contain high levels of added sugar.

  7. Granola Bars: While often marketed as healthy, many granola bars can be surprisingly high in sugar.

  8. Ketchup and Barbecue Sauce: These condiments may contain more sugar than you might expect.

  9. Spaghetti Sauce: Some pre-made spaghetti sauces can be loaded with added sugar.

  10. Energy Drinks: These drinks often contain high amounts of added sugar to provide a quick energy boost.

Remember: Always check the nutrition label for specific sugar content. Even foods you might not expect can contain hidden sugars.


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