5 signs you should fire your nutrition coach (or ditch your diet)

So you've hired a nutrition coach or embarked on a new diet, but something feels...off.

Maybe the meal plan looks like it could be photocopied for everyone else on your gym floor, or the pressure to buy specific products feels more like a pyramid scheme than personalized advice.

(SPOILER ALERT: You do NOT need to purchase specific, company branded packaged food, meals or supplements to lose fat and keep it off. Everything you need is available at your local grocery store:)).

Here are 5 signs it might be time to ghost your nutrition coach or run (not walk) away from your current fad diet:

  • The Cookie Cutter Clone: A good nutrition plan considers your unique needs, preferences, and lifestyle. If your coach throws a generic meal plan at you with minimal customization, it's time to find someone who takes a more individualized approach.

  • Pushing Products, Not Progress: Beware of coaches who heavily promote pre-packaged foods, supplements, or their own branded products. A true coach empowers you to make healthy choices at the grocery store, not rely on special, often expensive, items.

  • Fear of the Forbidden: Does your coach have a list of “good” and “bad” foods? Is there a laundry list of what you can’t eat? You’re definitely not on the right path for losing fat and keeping it off. A sustainable approach allows for occasional indulgences. Restrictive plans can lead to cravings, binges, and ultimately, frustration.

  • The Quick-Fix Fallacy: Anyone promising rapid weight loss is likely selling snake oil. Healthy weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. Focus on building sustainable habits, not unrealistic expectations.

  • Can you picture yourself eating this way FOREVER?: Imagine yourself eating this way for years to come. If the thought makes you want to scream into a pizza box, it's a red flag. A healthy lifestyle should be something you can integrate long-term, not a temporary punishment.

Remember: You are the expert on you! If something feels off about your current plan, trust your gut.

Find a coach who teaches you how to properly fuel your body - they do exist!

The reason there are so many bad coaches and diets out there is because that’s how they make money. They push their products, or put you on such a restrictive diet that you lose weight FAST, slowing your metabolism, and putting you in a position to gain all the weight (and more) back FASTER. This is so you come BACK to them, pay them more, and the cycle continues.

When you work with a coach and plan that lasts, you’ll invest with them once, and never have to come back.

Sounds a lot better, doesn’t it?


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