Smart strategies for a healthier Easter

Do you have a fun holiday weekend planned? Don't worry if you're feeling a little nervous about all the tempting food! Many people struggle with maintaining healthy habits during celebrations.

We recommend setting flexible goals for special occasions. It's okay to indulge a bit while still prioritizing your well-being. Research shows achieving smaller goals releases dopamine, keeping you motivated and on track in the long run.

Enjoy the festivities! We work with our clients to create a plan to navigate holiday meals without sacrificing their health journey, and wanted to share some tips for you to implement this weekend:

  1. Morning Power Walk: Start your day with a refreshing 30-minute walk. It'll get your heart pumping, lower your blood pressure, and leave you feeling energized and ready to conquer the day!

  2. Fuel Your Body: Enjoy a protein-packed breakfast (aim for at least 45 grams)! This will keep you feeling full and satisfied, help you reach your daily protein goals, and prevent cravings before that holiday feast.

  3. Hydration Hero: By noon, aim to drink half your daily water goal (around 50-64oz). Staying hydrated keeps your appetite in check, helps you manage calorie intake, and even gives your metabolism a boost!

  4. Mindful Meals: Practice mindful eating! Enjoy your food by following the "one-plate rule." Fill a plate with the delicious options you love, and savor each bite. Better yet? Fill your first plate with fiber rich veggies (asparagus, broccoli, carrots) which will help with digestion and fullness.

  5. Ditch the Distractions: Make a simple rule to only eat while seated at a table. This helps you focus on the food and avoid mindless snacking throughout the day.

  6. Healthy Classics: Put a spin on traditional dishes and bake or grill ham instead of frying it, chose whole grain buns and plan your meal around these healthy recipe options from our gal at Downshiftology!

  7. Give Yourself Grace: These are times to enjoy with your family, and it’s common to indulge a bit more than usual. If this happens, don’t beat yourself up, and don’t weigh yourself the next morning. The likelihood you actually gained fat is so small - this is what you would have to eat to actually gain a pound of fat.

These tips will set you up for a successful and enjoyable day, even with holiday temptations around the corner! And remember, we are always here for you when you’re ready to take that next step to learn how you can get your ideal body, and never diet again!


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