Chloe’s Story: Bye-bye Starbucks binges and skipped meals

Chloe walked into All Day Coach in January 2022, a whirlwind of frustration and determination. At 5'6" and 182 pounds, she yearned to break past her mental block and implement discipline in her life. The pandemic had derailed her progress, transforming a previously structured exercise and nutrition routine into near-sedentary chaos. "Flying by the seat of my pants' ' is how she aptly described her eating, swinging between Starbucks binges and skipped meals. 

The 20-pound weight gain and recent diagnosis of high blood pressure at 33 were stark wake-up calls.

Chloe knew what to do – she just couldn't do it. That's where coaching came in. Over the next 18 months, we worked together. She prioritized protein, embraced balanced meals (goodbye, breakfast skipping!), and incorporated movement and structured strength training. Witnessing her dedication was inspiring.

Fast forward to August 2023. The results spoke for themselves: 40+ pounds and 45 inches gone, lowered cholesterol (ditching those meds!), and a significant reduction in body fat. Her blood pressure medication became a relic of the past.

But the true victory lay in the habits Chloe had forged. Now, six months later, she continues in our Graduate Program, and has not only maintained, but enhanced her progress through what she learned from Executive Coaching. 

This transformation wasn't a quick fix, but a sustainable change woven into the fabric of her life. The Chloe who walked into my office was a woman waiting to blossom; the one who stands before us today is a radiant example of resilience and self-mastery. 

“Working with Annie has been life changing! I've been a yo yo dieter my entire life, gaining and losing the same 20 lbs over and over again. I feel like I finally have balance with food freedom and the tools I need to keep the weight off, plus I have so much more energy.”

Chloe's journey is a testament to the power of unwavering commitment and the magic that happens when a coach and client become a team. We’re incredibly proud of the woman she's become, and we know her journey is far from over. What new peaks will she conquer? Only time will tell, but one thing's for sure: with her relentless spirit and newfound balance, the sky's the limit.


Smart strategies for a healthier Easter


We are feisty this morning.