We are feisty this morning.

Nutrition can be confusing, but there's a simple trick: focus on whole foods, and reduce the ultra-processed crap that’s easy and convenient.

Ultra-processed foods are engineered to override natural hunger and fullness signals which means you EAT MORE CALORIES which ultimately contributes to fat gain. Even if the package is marked “healthy” or “high in protein” - don’t buy it. Food manufacturers design their products so we eat more, thus buying more, thus them increasing their revenue.

Make sense?

When you eat an ultra-processed food (i.e.: Pop-Tart), you’re consuming a ton of calories, unhealthy fats, added sugars and very minimal nutrients. It digests QUICKLY (because it lacks fiber and protein) which causes blood sugar spikes, and increases your cravings.

When you eat strawberries, you’re consuming very minimal calories, increased nutrients and your body actually has to break down the strawberries, which means slower digestion and you are fuller, longer (less cravings). Our bodies love whole foods, and use these calories for ENERGY (burning calories).

Our bodies weren’t designed to know what to do with all the processed junk in Pop-Tarts, so where do you think these calories go?

Yep - you guessed it. They are stored as fat.

Are processed foods easier?

Of course they are.

But you aren’t the type of person to take the easy route - you see the VALUE in choosing a path with more resistance, because you know the end result will be WORTH IT.

PS - Two Pop-Tarts have the same amount of calories as 37 strawberries.

THIRTY SEVEN. Let that sit for a moment.

You could eat three containers of strawberries from the grocery store to get the same amount of calories in two crappy breakfast pastries.

The quicker your food expires/goes bad, the healthier it generally is for you. Start looking at where you can add more whole foods to your diet, and you will ultimately eat less processed foods. This is an extremely effective tactic we use with our clients, and they continue to see amazing results!


Chloe’s Story: Bye-bye Starbucks binges and skipped meals


Eat your favorite cereal AND lose weight (no gimmick)