Can’t get rid of that stubborn belly fat?

You may want to get your stress in check by doing what you can to decrease your cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that is often referred to as the stress hormone. It plays a crucial role in the body's stress response and helps to release energy quickly.

Mother-in-law stressing you out? Cortisol spikes.

Bad dreams last night? Cortisol spikes.

Here’s six ways your cortisol is spiking, and you may not even realize it:

  1. Chronic stress: work deadlines, relationship drama, financial worries – they all keep your fight-or-flight response on high alert, pumping out cortisol like nobody's business.

  2. Shi**y sleep: Poor sleep robs your body of rest, messing with your hormones and sending cortisol skyrocketing. Stop “catching up” on sleep, and establish a sleep routine.

  3. Not feeling well: A bad cold, surgeries and injuries can trigger a cortisol surge as your body rallies to repair and defend.

  4. What you’re putting in your mouth: Sugar crashes, skipping meals, and overloading on processed junk food can all throw your blood sugar and hormones into chaos

  5. Skipping the gym: Hitting snooze and missing the gym can actually stress your body out, making it harder to manage cortisol levels. Get moving, even a brisk walk can help!

  6. Too much coffee: That morning cup of coffee might kick-start your day, but too much caffeine can become a chronic stressor for your adrenal glands, leading to elevated cortisol. You may want to start delaying your morning cup by 90 minutes - here’s why.

Why this matters:

When your cortisol spikes: your appetite goes berserk and belly fat clings on like Saran wrap. Combat this by focusing on self-care and managing your stress, one small change at a time.


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