Ditch (or delay) the early bird brew: Why waiting for your coffee might be awesome

Raise your hand if you guzzle coffee down the second your eyes crack open. But what if we told you that waiting 90 minutes before your first cup could be a total game-changer?

*raises hand*

Think of it like this: imagine your body's like a superhero waking up.  Its natural "wake-up juice," cortisol, is pumping, ready to tackle the day. But then you slam a giant can of caffeine-y kryptonite on it. Bam! Cortisol fizzles out, and you're left relying on the coffee jitters later.
Instead, by waiting 90 minutes, you let your cortisol do its thing. Then, when the caffeine hits, it's like a double superhero boost!  Benefits include:

  • Sharper focus: No more jittery mess. You'll be  more focused and ready to conquer your to-do list.
  • Bye-bye dependence: Your body won't be begging for that afternoon triple shot. You'll appreciate the caffeine kick when it actually comes.  This means - delaying your cup will minimize you jonesin' for it later;)
  • Sleep like a champ: No more late-night coffee toasts messing with your precious snooze time. You'll be drifting off to dreamland like a pro.
You also may even experience like better blood sugar control and less inflammation. Not bad for just chilling for a bit before your coffee fix, right?
Here's how to make it work:
  • Distract yourself: Do some morning stretches, make your bed, whip up a smoothie, meal plan or get lost in a good book. Anything to keep your mind off that coffee pot.  
  • Stay away from your phone: You’re not going to miss anything - focus your morning attention on self-care, and setting your day up for success

  • Hydrate: Water is your friend! Keep your favorite bottle by your bedside and guzzle it down as soon as you wake up (HELLO habit stacking!)
  • Fuel up: Don't skip breakfast! A healthy meal will give your body sustained energy until that glorious coffee moment.
Remember, everyone's different. Experiment and see what works best for you. But hey, if you can score enhanced focus and better sleep, why not give the delayed coffee thing a try?

Can’t get rid of that stubborn belly fat?


MINDSET SHIFT: Instead of I HAVE to work out, tell yourself you GET to work out