DO: Get back on track today, DON’T: Weigh yourself

Feeling weighed down after last night's dinner? Relax, Rudolph, it's probably not what you think. That little jump on the scale? Temporary fluffer, not fat friend. Don't let the number freak you out – it's a holiday magic trick, not a reflection of your actual weight.
Here's the scoop: it takes a LOT of extra calories to build actual fat. Like, 3,500+ more than your usual day (which is probably between 1,800 and 3,000 anyway, which means you'd have to eat 5,500 to 8.500 calories yesterday to maybe gain a pound of fat). One Christmas feast, even a glorious one, won't do that.
So, what's messing with the scale?
  • Water on hold: Salty treats and holiday cheer (adult beverages) can make your body hang onto water for a bit. Don't worry, it's water weight.
  • Digestive dance: Late-night snacks can still be doing their salsa in your belly by morning. Just give it time to finish the routine.
  • Muscle moves: A good strength training workout? That can actually make the scale tick up! Your muscle retains water, hence the number creeping up.
Bottom line: Chill out.  Weighing yourself consistently is cool, but obsessing over daily numbers? Not so festive. Track trends, not temporary blips.
Now, the big question: "How do I get back on track?"
Answer: Stay merry! You did nothing wrong. Enjoying delicious food is human, not a holiday sin.
Here's your post-feast plan:
Remember, you're awesome, holiday weight gain is a myth, and there's plenty of time to keep rocking your healthy habits in the new year. So put on your smile, grab some eggnog (or tea, whatever floats your boat), and celebrate. You've got this!
Still anxious?  Invest in YOURSELF and book a call with us!

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