Why “catching up” on sleep is sabotaging your weight loss

Our body's got this amazing built-in timer called the circadian rhythm. It's like a silent conductor in the background, keeping all our internal processes humming along in a 24-hour cycle. From pumping out hormones to gearing up for sleep, it's all thanks to this master clock.  Something else?
Getting enough sleep is a secret weapon in your fat-loss arsenal. Why? 
  1. Tiredness turns you into a hangry monster. When you're sleep-deprived, your body freaks out thinking there's a food shortage (even if your macros are on point!). This stress response makes you crave comforting junk food and eat more than usual, putting the brakes on fat loss.
  2. Sleep fuels those fire-starter muscles. When you're sleep-wrecked, your body gets stressed and starts cannibalizing your precious muscle. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so losing it hurts your fat-burning furnace. 
  3. Sleepy hormones play havoc with your fat-burning fiesta. Sleep deprivation messes with your hormone squad, especially cortisol and thyroid hormones, which control how your body stores and burns fat. This hormonal shuffle can slow down your metabolism, making it harder to torch that extra tire around your middle.

DO THIS: Set consistent sleep schedules and stick to them like glue, aiming for the same bedtime and wake-up time even on weekends.

When we snooze, our body repairs and recharges, making sure we're ready to rock when we wake up. But if this rhythm gets messed up, like by staying up late scrolling our phones, our whole system can go haywire.
Think of your organs and systems like different bands in a concert. Each one has its own peak performance time. For example, our body handles carbs better in the morning, so fueling up with breakfast is a good call.
The bottom line? Keeping our inner clock happy with regular sleep, mindful light exposure, and activities that jive with nature's rhythm is a recipe for amazing health. We'll sleep better, feel energized, and our bodies will thank us for it!

DO: Get back on track today, DON’T: Weigh yourself


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