Do these 5 things on Thanksgiving day

It’s common to let health and wellness slide from October 31st to January 1st, but you CAN make this year different!

You don’t have to deprive yourself of your favorite pies and sides on Thanksgiving, but you also don’t have to eat like a maniac to the point of discomfort. #weveallbeenthere

Studies show, if you’re eating whole and minimally processed foods at least 80% of the time, it doesn’t matter (i.e.: impact your progress) what you eat the other 20%, so ditch the “all-or-nothing” mentality and choose to do these five things before your big meal of GRATITUDE:

  1. Don’t skip breakfast - studies show that “saving calories” more often than not results in over indulgence. Start the morning with a high protein breakfast, aiming to get at least 50 grams of protein - do the same for lunch too if your meal is later in the day.

  2. Get 100 ounces of water in before the big meal - it increases daily calorie expenditure, hydrates your skin, makes your bones strong, and keeps cravings at bay.

  3. Go for a walk, before and after your Thanksgiving meal - get at least 5,000 steps in before you start your celebration - NEAT (non-exercise thermogenesis) comprises at least 15% of the calories we burn in a day. Getting a jump-start on this better positions us for success. You don’t need to be a big load.

  4. Eat your protein FIRST - with your meals prior, including Thanksgiving meal, eat your protein first - this is why.

  5. Set perimeters of the favorites you will eat - if you love Grandma’s cheesy hashbrowns, stuffing and sweet potato casserole - have some! It’s okay to eat the carbs.  Tell yourself you’ll wait 20 minutes between each plate, before having seconds. Create your plate to look like The Perfect Plate. Take the time to chat with your family - your friends; talk about what you’re grateful for.   Practice mindful eating. Going into the day with a plan will best position you to both 1) enjoy your meal, and 2) not experience that “food guilt” we often feel.


What happens when you eat processed foods and added sugar?


Spend 30 minutes doing this today