You have ZERO excuses to not do this every morning

Daily habits and behaviors are crucial to long-term fat loss, and there's something VERY EASY you can start doing today which ultimately supports your fat loss goals.   

And guess what?

It costs nothing.

It takes under a minute*.  And a whopping 29% of Americans still don’t do it, even though studies show it can:
  • improve your mood and productivity
  • lead to better sleep and overall well-being
  • can help you to feel more alert and ready to take on the day's challenges
  • reduce stress (when you're stressed, your body releases the stress hormone cortisol which can promote fat storage, especially around the abdomen, unhealthy eating habits and reduced physical activity)
  • help you to be more organized
  • improve sleep quality

Know what it is yet?

Making your bed.


That’s it.
Do you do it?  
If you don’t - start.  
Making your bed is a simple task that can have a number of positive benefits for your health and well-being.  Plus, it just FEELS better going to bed in a made bed - it's like a present to yourself each day.

*Okay, it could take longer if you have a lot of throw pillows (zero shade on throw pillows - we LOVE throw pillows;))


Studies show that practicing this can result in losing an average of 5lbs over three months


TO DO: Start building better habits - 5 tips to start NOW