Studies show that practicing this can result in losing an average of 5lbs over three months

What is it?

Sitting down at the table to eat your meals (with no devices).

Sounds simple, yet how often do you do this?

Or, do you find yourself grabbing something on the way out the door, plopping in front of the TV, or grabbing a quick meal in your car after sitting 14 minutes in the drive thru at Taco Bell?

Studies show mindful eaters consume an average of 100 calories PER MEAL than non-mindful eaters.

You’re not alone.

We live in a society where it is VERY easy to eat our meals as an afterthought, rather than making the time to sit and ENJOY our meals. Further more, practicing MINDFUL eating is something we can all improve.

Why is it important to sit at the table during meals and practice mindful eating?

Well - if you’re trying to lose weight and change your body composition, it is VERY important.

Mindful eating is a way of paying attention to your food and how you eat it. It involves being aware of your hunger and fullness cues, and eating slowly and mindfully. Mindful eating can help with weight loss by:

  • Helping you to eat less. When you eat mindfully, you are more likely to notice when you are full and stop eating. This is because you are paying attention to your body's signals and not just mindlessly shoveling food into your mouth.
  • Helping you to make healthier choices. When you are mindful of your food, you are more likely to choose foods that are nutritious and satisfying. This is because you are paying attention to the taste, texture, and smell of your food, and not just eating whatever is convenient or easy.
  • Helping you to reduce emotional eating. Emotional eating is a common way to cope with stress, boredom, or other negative emotions. When you are mindful of your food, you are more likely to be aware of your emotions and to choose healthy ways to cope with them.

We challenge you to try this. Even if it’s just for one meal. Sit at the table, turn off the TV, leave your phone charging, and practice mindful eating. Extra credit if you put your fork down between bites.

It may feel odd at first - or even uncomfortable, but you can power through it. We believe in you:)

Part of our approach with our clients is building healthy daily habits that result in sustainable weight loss, and sitting down for your meals is one of the things we focus on.

Try it today - it costs you nothing;)


Can eating your food in a specific order support fat loss?


You have ZERO excuses to not do this every morning