Frustrated with your (lack) of progress? You’re likely not doing these things

Have you been diligently tracking your food, and are in a calorie deficit?

Do you feel like you’ve been in a calorie deficit forever, and haven’t seen any results?

Happens to the best of us.


Coach Annie.

Her clients.

It’s okay, and this is likely what’s happening:

The forgotten calories.

  • We've all been there: forgetting to track that extra splash of fancy coffee creamer (because who can resist those yummy flavors?), the "just a bite" of your kid's mac and cheese (because #momlife), or that pre-bedtime cookie that mysteriously appeared in your hand (blame it on the cookie monster?).

You’re eyeballing portions.

  • Let's face it, eyeballing measurements is a recipe for disaster, especially with calorie-dense things like olive oil, peanut butter salad dressings, and those oh-so-tempting coffee creamers.

You’re skipping your coffee accessories.

  • Think you're adding a dainty dollop of heavy (or flavored) cream to your daily cup of joe? Think again! That seemingly innocent amount might be closer to a full-on splash, adding a sneaky 700 extra calories and 70 grams of fat to your weekly intake. Yikes! (Respect to those who can manage just one cup of coffee a day, you superheroes!)

The Takeaway (besides the extra cookies):

Those hidden calories can seriously mess with your calorie deficit game. But hey, don't sweat it! We all have our slip-ups. The good news is, with a little more tracking (and maybe a kitchen scale because #adulting), you can identify those sneaky calorie culprits and get back on the path to achieving your awesome goals!

We're Your Cheerleaders (not Taskmasters):

Let's be honest, reaching your goals takes some effort, but you've totally got this!

We're here to be your support system, not your drill sergeants. We'll help you create a personalized plan that fits your life and keeps you motivated. Remember, small changes can lead to BIG results (and we don’t restrict cookies FYI - specialty Oreos are a WEEKLY item on our grocery list;))


Today’s flex: lean muscle mass reduces risk of cancer


This is what happens when you severely cut your calories each day (under 1,500)