This is what happens when you severely cut your calories each day (under 1,500)

Calories in, calories out.

If you eat less calories than you burn each day, you will lose weight.

If you choose “up to 2lbs per week” and “as quickly as possible” on your food tracking app for your weight loss goals, it will likely recommend 1,200 calories per day.

How many times have you cut your calories, or done something like Optavia (800-1,100 calories per day) that has drastically reduced your calories and left you starving?

And, we’re going to go out on a limb, and guess that you DID NOT keep the weight off that you lost.

So why are you still doing that?

NOTHING good happens when you don’t consume enough calories each day - in fact, there are countless negative consequences on your metabolism, hormonal balance and physical health.

This is what generally happens when you chronically undereat:

  1. Your metabolism adapts (metabolic adaptation). Your metabolism is slowing down, therefore burning less calories per day. When you eventually DO eat more calories per day (you will, we promise), your body is going to be so excited it will tend to store these as fat. Your goal is to lose weight WHILE eating as much as possible. Not sure how to do this? We got you.

  2. You binge eat. Eating too few calories for a prolonged period promotes binge eating, which is where you significantly overeat when you finally start consuming a normal amount of food. This leads to rapid fat gain due to metabolic and hormonal changes.

  3. Your hormones shift to fat storage. Not eating enough signals the body to shift hormones towards preserving body fat, not losing it - this is a protective measure during perceived times of (food) scarcity.

  4. You become nutrient deficient. When you aren’t getting the nutrients you need, you can experience a variety of health issues, including anxiety, depression, bone loss, hair loss, skin issues and hormonal imbalances. Nutrient deficiencies also increase your appetite and cravings.

  5. You lack essential fats and aren’t consuming enough protein. These are both essential for your health and a FAST metabolism (putting you in the best position to KEEP weight off). Lacking these also result in dry skin, hair loss, mental fatigue and challenges building muscle.

Chronically undereating is so common, and there’s a reason the first phase of our coaching involves Priming your Metabolism for Optimal FAT LOSS. If you’ve never done this before, this is likely the reason why you’re unable to lose the weight and keep it off.

Our clients have seen INCREDIBLE results through our customized nutrition coaching! We’d love to work with you!


Frustrated with your (lack) of progress? You’re likely not doing these things


MacKenzie’s Story: Healthy Fat Loss for a Busy Professional