MacKenzie’s Story: Healthy Fat Loss for a Busy Professional

Ready to Change

In February 2022, MacKenzie decided it was time for a transformation. After gaining 30 pounds over a few years, she acknowledged a decline in activity and a less-than-ideal diet. Recently engaged, her biggest nutritional hurdle was portion control. Unsure about proper food intake and macronutrients (protein, carbs, fat), she sought guidance on fueling her body for weight loss, increased energy, and a confidence boost.

A Driven Individual

A highly successful entrepreneur, MacKenzie was no stranger to achieving goals. Building a thriving business? Done. Completing half marathons? Check. Five half marathons, countless 5Ks and 10Ks were already under her belt. Plus, she loved her Peloton, logging over 180 miles biked in January 2022.

Seeking a Sustainable Approach

MacKenzie craved knowledge about portion control, meal prepping, healthy recipe ideas, and a solid workout plan for fat loss. Most importantly, she desired accountability. In her early 30s, she was determined to lose weight in a healthy way, ditching the fad diets like Herbalife she'd tried before. A coach, she believed, would be the key to staying on track.

Life-Changing Results

MacKenzie embarked on a life-changing journey with Coach Annie, founder of All Day Coach, for six months.

Here's what she had to say":

“The experience I have had with All Day Coach has been amazing! Hands down, the best decision I have made to improve my health was to hire Annie. She will go above and beyond to help educate, guide, and encourage clients to become their healthiest self. To me, it was more than losing weight. It was how I felt, improving my mental health, and increasing my confidence. I would recommend Annie to anyone!! She is amazing!!”

The Plan

Even with a slight increase in daily calories, she achieved impressive results - losing nearly 20 pounds and over 34 inches in just six months! We worked on creating tailored meals, prioritizing protein, and incorporating strength training to enhance her metabolism for maximum fat loss.

Where is she now?

MacKenzie’s dedication extends beyond our initial Executive Coaching Program - she transitioned into our Graduate Program in June 2022, and has been a consistent challenge participant in both 2023 and 2024. She recognizes the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and appreciates the ongoing support and accountability our programs provide.

She has maintained her fat loss two years later, gotten married and is CONTINUING to crush her life! In fact, she’s coming back to 1:1 nutrition coaching as she trains for an upcoming marathon - she recognizes the value and importance of customized nutrition during this time in her life, and wants to ensure she’s doing everything she can to preserve her metabolism, while maximizing her training performance!

When we asked her what she values about 1:1 coaching, compared to the challenge, she said:

”The value that differentiates coaching from challenges is more accountability and 1-1 coaching with Annie. I was more committed during my coaching time with Annie than I was during the challenge, since she is focused on a personalized plan that fits your lifestyle specifically. The investment in yourself during coaching gives you more accountability with Annie by watching your exercise, food log, completed goals, etc.

Each week, she is willing to help in any area that you might be struggling with such as meal prepping, food substitutions, and specific goals. She truly wants to understand what is most important to you, and make a difference in your life. “

We are incredibly proud of her journey and her commitment to long-term health!


This is what happens when you severely cut your calories each day (under 1,500)


Make “I’m too busy” disappear with these three simple steps.