Is insulin resistance slowing your fat loss progress?

Insulin resistance is basically when your body starts ignoring the insulin you make. Insulin is like the key that lets sugar into your cells for energy. We get energy from food, and NEED energy to operate at peak performance!

But when your body's like, "nah, I'm good," your pancreas goes into overdrive trying to make more.

This sugar overload can lead to some serious issues.

It's like a domino effect: too much sugar, weight gain, inflammation, and then boom – you're setting yourself up for problems like heart disease, diabetes, and fatty liver.

So, what's fueling this sugar mess? Well, it's mostly those processed foods packed with sugar and bad fats. (Yeah, yeah, we know it’s super easy to grab packaged junk food, because it’s convenient;))

Plus, sitting around all day doesn't help. Your body needs to move to burn that sugar.

The good news is you can fight back. And you can start today.

Eating right and getting active are key. Building muscle is like adding more locks to your cells, so they can use up more sugar. And guess what? When you build more muscle, you burn more calories doing NOTHING. Check out this simple routine you can start doing to increase your lean muscle mass.

Focus on real food – you know, the stuff that actually grows – and cut back on the sugary drinks and junk.

Small changes can make a big difference. Swap soda for water, eat more veggies, and try to squeeze in some exercise. If you're worried about insulin resistance or noticing weird stuff like gaining weight for no reason or peeing a ton, talk to your doctor.

Taking care of your body now will pay off big time later. You'll have more energy, feel better, and lower your risk of getting sick.

Not sure where to start? Let us give you a free 7-day food assessment, and we’ll give you recommendations on your current diet to start fighting off insulin resistance today!


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