5 ways we crush our daily protein goal

Hitting your daily protein goal is essential for fat loss and muscle gain. If you’re like us, you’re super busy, and this can get challenging.

Here’s our five tips for you over achievers:

  1. Prepackage Protein Powder: Use small Ziploc bags to pre-portion our protein powder into individual servings. This saves space and makes it easy to measure out servings without carrying a large container or scoop. We also have our handy shaker bottle handy in our car to easily mix our single serving packets with water on those super busy days!

  2. Quick and Convenient Breakfast: Consider packinga scoop of instant oatmeal with an added scoop or two of our protein, which contains around 29-55 grams of protein. This can serve as an easy-to-prepare meal for busy mornings. 

  3. Portable Snacks: Pack protein-rich snacks like beef sticks, which are easy to carry and provide a quick protein boost. 

  4. Protein-Rich Fast Food: If you need a quick meal on the go, consider options like Chick-Fil-A (grilled chicken nuggets), Chipotle or a Subway turkey sandwhich (double meat!). These places offer meals with substantial protein content, which can be a convenient alternative to traditional fast food. 

  5. Vegetable Supplements: For added convenience and nutrition, pack our Super Greens + Reds powder. This can help ensure you get your vegetables even when you're busy and have limited access to fresh produce. With no added sugar AND 4 grams of protein, this mixed berry flavor tastes great in water and supports your fat loss goals.

By adhering to these tips, you can maintain your protein intake effectively while on the go!


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