REAL TALK: Consistency over perfection

When people approach losing weight with the all-or-nothing mentality, it doesn’t work.

Fad diets don’t work.

Eating 1,200 calories a day doesn’t work.

What works?

In just twelve weeks (that’s three months folks!), Trisha not only increased her daily calories, she is:

  • Down 10lbs (average 0.83lbs/wk)

  • Down 12.75” (average 1.1”/wk)

  • Down 3.3% body fat

  • Down 2.6% subcutaneous fat

  • Down 2% visceral fat

She says “Twelve weeks of CONSISTENCY between these two pictures - not perfection! I’m working with an amazing Coach! Working on building healthier habits day by day, and my relationship with food. I do not feel deprived, I feel good! Consistency was my word of 2023 and I’m going to keep doing just that… being consistent. You only fail if you give up.”

We are SO proud of her - her attitude is ON POINT, and she’s focused on the right things. Feeling better, increasing her energy, getting STRONGER and giving herself grace.

The best part?

She’s only just begun…;)


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