Reducing this will support your fat loss goals

What is it?

You guessed it. ADDED SUGAR.

Think of added sugars like a sneaky little ninja that hides in your processed food. They're often lurking in unexpected places, from ketchup to cereal. But don't worry, we're here to help you catch them!

Finding Included Added Sugars: The Sugar Sleuth

The Nutrition Facts label on food and beverage packages is your sugar sleuth. Here's how to use it to uncover the hidden sugars:

  1. Locate the "Added Sugars" Line: It's usually found under "Total Carbohydrates, Dietary Fiber, Total Sugar."

  2. Check the Grams of Added Sugar: The number listed here indicates the amount of added sugar per serving.

  3. Compare to Your Daily Limit: Use this information to determine how much of your daily added sugar allowance is being consumed. Aim to consume LESS than 25 grams of included added sugar per day, to support your overall health and fat loss goals.

Tips for Reducing Added Sugar Intake: Sweet Success

  1. Read Food Labels Carefully: Become a label detective and uncover hidden sugars.

  2. Limit Sugary Beverages: Soda, juice, and sports drinks are often sugar-laden. Opt for water, unsweetened tea, or sparkling water instead.

  3. Prioritize Whole Foods: Fruits and vegetables are naturally sweet without the added sugar.

  4. Reduce Processed Foods: Many processed foods are packed with added sugars.

  5. Cook at Home: This gives you greater control over the ingredients and sugar content in your meals.

By following these guidelines, you can significantly reduce your added sugar intake, support your fat loss goals, and improve your overall health. So, let's kick those sneaky sugars to the curb and enjoy a healthier, sweeter life!


In a grumpy mood? Take inventory of what (and who) you’re surrounding yourself with.


It’s okay, we’re all confused by the different types of processed foods.