It’s okay, we’re all confused by the different types of processed foods.

We get these types of questions all the time.

Would it surprise you, that a Blueberry Muffin Quest protein bar IS a highly processed food?

Yep, it is. Let us explain…

Imagine you're on a journey through the land of food, starting with a pristine blueberry bush. As you travel, the blueberries undergo a series of transformations, much like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly (stop rolling your eyes, we have a point:)).

1. Whole Foods: The Blueberry's Natural State Fresh blueberries, straight from the vine, are like the CEO of food. They're pure, unadulterated, and full of wisdom (or at least antioxidants). Think of them as the original "blueberry bliss."

2. Minimally Processed Foods: The Blueberry's First Adventure Blueberry jam is like the blueberry's first step into the real world. It's still pretty close to its natural state, but it's got a bit of a sugar rush and a cozy vibe. It's the blueberry's equivalent of going to college.

3. Processed Foods: The Blueberry's Midlife Crisis Packaged blueberry muffins are like the blueberry's midlife crisis. They're trying to fit in, but they've got a lot of baggage (read: added ingredients). It's like when your friend suddenly starts wearing skinny jeans (CONFESSION: we wear skinny jeans on the reg;)) and listening to EDM.

4. Ultra-Processed Foods: The Blueberry's Retirement Home Ultra-processed blueberry anything is like the blueberry's retirement home. It's comfortable, but it's also a bit... artificial. It's like a blueberry that's given up on life and just wants to watch reruns of "Friends." They also contain LOADS of added sugar.

Remember, it's okay to indulge in processed or ultra-processed foods occasionally. Just don't let them become your entire diet. We focus on feeding our gullet with at least 80% whole foods, and enjoy our favorite processed and ultra-processed foods (protein bars and chocolate bavarian donuts) once a week or so. We like to think of them as the fun-sized candy bars of the food world: they're delicious, but they shouldn't be your main source of nutrition.

Screenshot the table below to assist you in choosing your foods during your fat loss journey!


Reducing this will support your fat loss goals


Marci’s Story: From Zero Motivation and Diet Coke to Making Small Changes and Dropping 26lbs