Marci’s Story: From Zero Motivation and Diet Coke to Making Small Changes and Dropping 26lbs

Marci was a classic case of the yo-yo dieter. As a high-performing executive with a side consulting business, she was juggling a lot. Long hours, a demanding job, and a house full of teenagers often left her reaching for convenience foods and skipping meals. When her health issues and the pandemic hit, her already hectic lifestyle became even more chaotic, leading to weight gain and a loss of motivation.

"I was eating like crap, having no plans, and no motivation," Marci admitted. "I felt like I'd benefit from accountability and a path to follow to establish good habits and a plan."

She knew she needed a change, but traditional diets and quick fixes hadn't worked in the past. Marci was looking for a sustainable approach that would fit into her busy life and help her feel good in her own skin.

When she joined our program, Marci was ready to commit to making healthier choices. Here's what she did:

  • Ditch the Diet Coke and Cut Back on Coffee: Marci realized that her daily caffeine and sugary drinks were contributing to her weight gain and energy crashes. She gradually reduced her coffee intake and eliminated Diet Coke altogether.

  • Prioritize Protein and Veggies: Instead of grabbing a protein bar and string cheese for breakfast, Marci started fueling her body with nutrient-dense foods like overnight oats, fruit, and yogurt. She also made an effort to include more protein and vegetables in her lunches.

  • Get Moving: Marci incorporated strength training and circuits into her routine three times a week. She also focused on increasing her daily step count.

  • Track Her Progress: Marci used a food tracking app to monitor her intake and a digital scale to weigh herself daily. This helped her stay accountable and identify areas where she could make improvements.

"I was surprised by how much of a difference even small changes made," Marci said. "I started feeling more energized and less bloated."

As the weeks went by, Marci noticed a significant improvement in her health and well-being. She was losing weight, fitting into her clothes better, and receiving compliments from friends and coworkers.

"One of my coworkers said, 'OMG you look great! Are you down a bunch of weight?!'" Marci recalled. "It felt great to hear that because the compliments were unexpected."

Marci's journey is a testament to the power of small, consistent changes. By making healthier choices, staying accountable, and seeking support, she was able to transform her life and achieve her goals.


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