What is the BEST protein source? 5 things you need to know.

Protein, protein, protein - you’re probably sick of hearing about it, however, it’s SO important for our health, particularly if you’re working to lose fat and change your body composition. Plus, your metabolism LOVES protein!

It can be overwhelming navigating information about nutrition, and we want to address the most frequently asked questions we receive about it

Supplements are a great way to get your protein, if you're unable to reach your daily goals from natural sources (animal and plant) of protein.

Here are five things you need to know about protein.

  1. What is protein?
    Protein is one of the three essential macronutrients (along wth fats and carbohydrates), that our bodies need to function properly. Protein is made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of our tissues, including muscles, skin, hair, nails and bones. Our bodies can’t produce them; they must be obtained through our diet. Sources include: chicken, lamb, turkey, pork, salmon, tuna, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, Greek yogurt, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grain (quinoa and buckwheat) and soy products (soybeans, tofu and edamame).

  2. Why is protein important?
    Protein is crucial for muscle repair and growth, making it vital for anyone who is looking to retain and build lean muscle mass (this is imperative to change your body composition, lose fat, and keep it off). Diets with adequate protein intake, even when they have the same calorie count as those lower in protien, produce better results in terms of muscle preservation and fat loss.

  3. How much should I get per day?
    The easiest way to calculate ths is to multiply your total body weight (or goal body weight, if you’re trying to lose weight) by 1. For example, if you weigh 175lbs, and are trying to lose 20lbs, your goal weight would be 155lbs. This means you should aim for 155 grams of protein per day, with roughly 50ish grams of protein per meal. This often doesn’t happen overnight. The average American eats about 80 grams per day, which is far below what you should be getting for optimal health and fat loss. Start small. Aim for 25-30 grams per day, and work up to your daily goal.

  4. What types of protein are “best?”
    Animal protein is ultimately the “best”, over plant protein, and supplements, such as our protein powder, premade protein shakes and products such as Quest Nutrition bars, chips and snacks. This is because they have better amino acid profiles, which are essential for muscle building, recovery and overall health. High in BCAAs (branch chain amino acids), naturally containing creatine (important for muscle growth and performance) and including micronutrients that are absent from supplements, you will get the biggest bang for your buck choosing animal protein.

  5. What if I can’t reach my daily protein goal?
    It is very common to struggle reaching your daily protein goal, particularly because it’s slower digesting and keeps you full longer. Utilizing supplements is something that the majority of our clients start with, slowly reducing supplements and transitioning to whole sources (animal and plant) of protein. Be kind to yourself, and keep working to hit your daily goal, slowly reducing supplements while you incorporate whole sources of protein. If you’re using protein powder, you need to read this to ensure you’re getting the post out of the powder you’re purchasing.

Protein produces the most satiety (feeling full!) which reduces cravings and makes it easier to stick within your daily calorie budget, supporting fat loss. If you want to discuss further, shoot us an email, we would love to chat!


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