When did these shorts shrink? Why you’re not losing weight.

Ever feel like your clothes are shrinking in the dryer? Wouldn’t it be great to try on your favorite pair, and think “when did these get bigger?!”

That’s something one of our clients said to us this week during our coaching call.

If you’ve been trying to lose weight, and it’s not happening, it’s because you’re eating more calories than your body is burning each day.

How do you fix this?

By eating in a calorie deficit.

Here's the skinny: you gotta burn more than you consume. Think of it like your body's bank account. You gotta spend more calories than you deposit (those delicious cookies) to see a weight-loss withdrawal.

Creating a Calorie Deficit: Fun With Math (Maybe?)

There are two main ways to create this deficit, and neither involve living off lettuce alone (though lettuce wraps can be surprisingly tasty!).

  1. Eat like a grown-up: Ditch the monster portions and sugary drinks. Think smaller plates, more veggies, and maybe skip the second (or third) helping of fries. Substitute water for that energy drink too - you can do this. We believe in you:)

  2. Stop being lazy: Move your body more! Take the stairs, do jumping jacks while watching commercials, and put your phone down. Do you really care about what your neighbors had for dinner last night? Or how their kids have changed from the first day of school, to the last day? (You’re laughing).

The Secret Sauce: Sustainability (Because Fad Diets Suck)

Crash diets are like bad reality TV - dramatic, short-lived, and leave you feeling empty inside. Here's why:

  • Starving yourself doesn’t work: Severe calorie restriction makes your metabolism go into adaptation, making weight loss harder in the long run.

  • Fad diets are like a situationship: They might be intense at first, but they never last. You end up gaining the weight back, plus some extra baggage.

Fueling Your Weight Loss Journey: Eat Like a Winner

  • Protein is your bestie: Focus on whole, unprocessed foods like lean protein, fruits, veggies, and whole grains.

  • Muscles are steroids for your metabolism: Protein helps you keep muscle, which keeps your metabolism burning strong. Losing muscle slows down your daily calorie burn.

Been on the Yo-Yo diet rollercoaster too long?

Hey, we've all been there. Just ask MacKenzie, Chloe, Trisha, or the rest of our clients who have seen killer results.

We offer free food assessments and custom macronutrients - just hit us up and we’ll help you get started!


Does eating more boost your metabolism?


The Three Little Pigs: A Tale of Weight Loss Woes