Does eating more boost your metabolism?

If eating less doesn’t keep the weight off for good, why not try eating more?

That’s right - we’re taking about reverse dieting.

Reverse dieting is like training your body to become a calorie-burning machine... but instead of tossing random dollops of fuel in (extreme calorie restriction), you strategically fuel your tank, on a consistent basis (gradual calorie increases) to build a sustainable fire (boosted metabolism).

Forget the celebrity and TikTok “what I eat in a day” trendy diets that leave you hangry and grumpy.

Reverse dieting is all about baby steps. You add a sprinkle of extra calories (like 100 a day), watch how your body reacts, and adjust from there. It's like a science experiment where the test subject is you (and the results will likely be a smokin' bod!).

This slow and steady approach keeps your body on its toes, helping you build muscle (which burns more calories than Netflix marathons) and improve your metabolism. Plus, you get to eat more good stuff – think delicious protein to keep your muscles happy and your metabolism humming.

Reverse dieting is basically the opposite of those fad diets that promise quick fixes. It's about building healthy habits and a sustainable lifestyle so you can reach your weight management and body goals without feeling like you're constantly on a punishment mission. So ditch the calorie yo-yo and give reverse dieting a whirl – it might just be the fun and effective way to reach your fitness goals!


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