Are you ready for nutrition coaching? You may not want to read this.

It can be intimidating.

It can be overwhelming.

You feel vulnerable.

You’re worried that you might fail.

These are ALL common feelings when thinking about investing to work with someone to help you reach your body composition goals.

SO common.

In fact, often, we get embarrassed to ask for help. We KNOW what we should do (yeah, yeah, move more and eat less) - what we need to do is simple.

It’s EXECUTING that is hard. We’re not going to lie - it can be challenging AF. For our clients. For us.

This is NORMAL.

Working with someone to provide education, tools, support, encouragement and teach you DISCIPLINE is 99% of the secret to losing the weight you want.

The rest of the secret?

You need to be COACHABLE.

It’s never going to work if you simply think that paying someone to help you is the secret sauce to a strong, energetic, healthy body.

YOU have to be patient, and willing to do the things required to change your life.

The good news? There’s no “end date”.

You don’t need to rush.

You can go at your OWN PACE.

In fact, when we first start working with clients, we often have to slow them down a bit. If we gave you EVERYTHING we know on our first check-in, you would be so overwhelmed, you’d have the Dominos app open before the end of our call.

If you’re open to learning and improving yourself, taking feedback and using it to get BETTER - you’re our ideal client.

If you’re willing to admit when you’re wrong, and not afraid to make mistakes - you’re our ideal client.

If you’re inquisitive, open to asking questions, and not ashamed to ask us for the 100th time if it’s okay to eat fruit because it has sugar (so common) - you’re our ideal client.

Stop telling yourself you’ll “start after the holidays”.

Stop telling yourself you’ll start after you get back from vacation.

Stop saying you can’t afford it, or it’s too expensive. Too expensive compared to what?

The money you spend at restaurants? The money you spend on diet gimmicks, meals and gym programs?

Think of the money you’ll spend in your lifetime on healthcare.

The memories you’ll miss out on because you don’t feel well. Or you can’t keep up, or bend down for too to play with your kids and grandkids because it’s too uncomfortable.

We hear time and time again from our clients: “We wish we would have worked with you sooner”.

The right time to start is TODAY.


True or False: Eating at night will result in weight gain


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