Eat the candy - it’s okay, we promise

How many times have you restricted your kids’ Halloween candy, only to find yourself sneaking into their trick-or-treat bags after they are in bed? Chances are you didn’t only have one piece, did you? You likely had several, and ate them so fast, you didn’t even enjoy them.

We’re here to tell you to eat the candy.

We’ve talked about “good” and “bad” foods before, and we cannot stress enough that food has no morale value.

As we head into the holidays, it is important to remember that deprivation and scarcity always lead to overindulgence.

During the holiday season, there are baked goods, leftover Halloween candy, drinks, fudge baskets, meat and cheese trays, and cookies EVERYWHERE.

Yes, indulging in these items daily will likely slow down your progress, however please approach these opportunities as times when you can practice moderation and enjoying the treats you actually love. You don’t need the sugar cookie that’s too dry - save it for your favorite holiday cookie (Russian Tea Cakes anyone?!).

Make the meals you CAN control balanced, and your plate comprised of whole and minimally processed foods, as often as you can. There are 62 days until January 1, 2024.

That means there are 186 meals - focus on 80% of these meals (149 meals), or 80% of your daily calories being nutritious, and let yourself enjoy the remaining calories on the foods you enjoy in moderation.

Yes, you may eat ten cookies at a time. That’s okay - move on, and make your next meal a good one.

You aren’t going to “wreck” anything - the only way you will fail is if you fall into the “ef it” mentality, and tell yourself you’ll “start over Monday”. Don’t do that.

You got this.


Spend 30 minutes doing this today


Ever find yourself scarfing down a bag of chips while cooking dinner?