Ever find yourself scarfing down a bag of chips while cooking dinner?

You aren’t alone.

In fact, this is a common theme with the majority of our clients.

As the end of the work day approaches, your stomach starts grumbling, and you can’t wait for dinner. In fact, you may pop into a drive thru on your way home, before dinner. Or, if you’re like us, you’re munching on those tasty, buttery cracker rounds while cooking dinner, and before you know it, the entire sleeve is gone. When we’re starving, we generally grab something quick, convenient, and highly processed.

Does it feel like we’re talking about you?

While we’re not always right, there’s a good chance you’re eating a pretty pathetic breakfast (if you’re eating it at all) and lunch (because you’re telling yourself you’re being “good”, right?!), and find yourself eating everything in site when you get home. This often continues through the night, even after you’ve finished dinner.

We challenge you to do THIS:

Eat a high protein breakfast. We’re talking a nice, big, balanced breakfast - none of this coffee and string cheese crap.

We’re talking an omelet with some toast, and a Greek yogurt. Or a big bowl of oatmeal, with chia seeds, protein powder, fruit and nuts.

Starting the day with a high protein breakfast:

  • helps stabilize your blood sugar and insulin levels throughout the day

  • balances appetite and reduces cravings

  • supports muscle recovery and growth

There’s nothing wrong with eating a big breakfast - it’s okay to be hungry (your body needs fuel), and it shows your metabolism is using those calories efficiently (this is what we want for long term fat loss). This is an excellent habit to work on building.

Gone are the days where skipping breakfast is cool - be an adult, and treat yourself with a delicious breakfast each and every day! It’s okay, we promise.


Eat the candy - it’s okay, we promise


On average, Americans spend 23% of their day doing this