On average, Americans spend 23% of their day doing this

“I don’t have enough time."

“I’m so busy!”

“There’s not enough time in the day!”

How often have you had these thoughts, specifically as it relates to working out, planning meals, or even - sitting down at a table to eat your meals?

We have.

We still do (you’re not alone).


Let’s talk numbers:

  • There are 1,440 minutes in a day (24 hours x 60 minutes in an hour)

  • There are 525,600 minutes in a year (24 hours x 365 days)

Let’s put the day of an average American into perspective - we all do a lot of the same things each day. We eat, we sleep, we cook, we work. The average American spend:

  • 68 minutes of their day eating, or 4.7%

  • 408 minutes of their day (6.8 hours) sleeping, or 28%

  • 67 minutes of their day cooking, or 4.7%

  • 437 minutes of their day (7.3 hours) are spent working, or 30.3%

Recent data shows the average American spends an average of 265 minutes (4.4 hours) a day on their phone.

That’s 23%.

We spend nearly as much times on our phones, as we do sleeping.

Let that sink in.

We live in a society that makes it EASY to be on our phones - shopping, listening to music, scrolling social media, watching TikTok videos, ordering food delivery, etc.

What if, you intentionally chose to spend 30 minutes a day (that’s 2% of your day) going for a walk, lifting at the gym, or prepping meals for the week?

What do you think would happen to your health?

Thirty minutes may not seem like much (let’s be honest - it’s not), and it would have a HUGE impact on your overall health. Choosing to put the phone down, and taking that time to do something that gets you CLOSER to your goals is well within your reach.

The point of this blog is not to shame you. It’s to bring awareness to the fact that we are all capable of choosing where we spend our time.


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