Help! Protein Powder Makes Me Gag

So you're looking for ways to eat protein powder without gagging? We feel you.  A lot of what's on the shelves is NASTY, but no worries - we're here to help.  We got you. (Psst... if your powder is gross, you need to try ours:))  Here are some ideas ways to hit your daily protein goal:
  • Shake it like a Polaroid picture. This is the classic way to eat protein powder. Just mix a scoop with your favorite liquid (water, milk - we even have a SOLID wine protein smoothie that's clutch), and chug it down. But don't forget to shake it up first, or you'll end up with a big clump of powder at the bottom of your cup.
  • Smoothie it up. Smoothies are a great way to consume your protein powder. Just blend a scoop with your favorite fruits and vegetables, and you'll barely taste the powder at all.  Using frozen fruit or vegetables instead of ice makes the consistency MUCH better!
  • Bake it in. If you're feeling adventurous, you can try baking protein powder into your favorite baked goods. Just add a scoop to your batter and you'll be good to go. Just be careful not to add too much, or your baked goods will be too dense.  Reduce the flour measurement to improve density.
  • Add it to your no baked goods. We LOVE our Red Velvet protein bites, and they pack 6g of protein per bite (Chocolate Chunk is our flavor of choice).

  • Plop it in your oatmeal, or use in overnight oats. Oatmeal is a great way to start your day with a healthy dose of protein. Just add a scoop of protein powder to your oatmeal and you'll be good to go. Just be sure to add enough liquid, or your oatmeal will be too dry.
  • Stir it into your yogurt. Yogurt is a great way to get your protein fix and enjoy a healthy snack at the same time. Just stir a scoop (or half scoop, depending on yogurt serving) of protein powder into your yogurt and you're good to go.  Add fruit and chia seeds for more flavor!
We work with our clients to find the perfect way to incorporate protein into their day that is SUSTAINBLE.  If you don't like what you're eating, you're "diet" is not going to be sustainable.  Wondering how to lose weight without dieting?  We'd love to work with you!

Now go forth and get your protein on!

Here’s what you can do to Burn MORE Calories while doing NOTHING


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